Non-spatial and spatial linear regression

A Simulation Study into the Generation of Near Repeat Victimizations

This chapter investigates which agent-based mechanisms can or cannot generate near repeat patterns in serial victimizations of targets located in an abstract geographical space. Crime pattern theory suggests that offenders have an awareness space …

Using Agent-Based Models to Investigate the Presence of Edge Effects around Crime Generators and Attractors

Crime clusters in space, with several potential explanatory mechanisms for the phenomena proposed within the field of environmental criminology. Of these explanations, the concept of crime generators and crime attractors set out by Brantingham and …

Hotspots van high-impact crime in Amsterdam: 2008-2013

Toeristen en criminaliteit in Amsterdam

Space-time visualization and anal-ysis of public attitudes towards crime and policing in the Nether-lands, 1993-2001

The present contribution is a space-time analysis of the public reaction to crime in the Netherlands based on the Dutch ‘Police Population Monitor’ (PPM) survey (PolitieMonitor Bevolking) between 1993 and 2001. The PPM is a large-scale biannual …

A Decision Procedure for the Where and How to Outsource

Many organizations are currently deciding whether to insource or outsource their IS function or parts thereof, but are unsure as to what kind of organizational structure to arrange for sourcing and where to locate the sourced activities. To assist in …

Buurtproblemen als vrijwilligersdilemma’s. Ingrijpen voor het algemeen belang: de invloed van collectieve zelfredzaamheid op individueel ingrijpen in buurten

Sociaal kapitaal van de buurt: verschillen in perceptie door jongeren en volwassenen?

Buurtbinding van ondernemers: over lokale betrokkenheid en inzet voor leefbaarheid

We proberen te achterhalen in hoeverre ondernemers en ondernemingen daadwer- kelijk een binding hebben met de buurt. Wat doen ze voor de buurt? In hoeverre zijn lokale ondernemers en ondernemingen betrokken bij hun buurt, en zetten ze zich daarvoor …